Friday, November 28, 2008

Happiness is...

A warm blanket.

A sleeping cat at the end of your bed (and no, he's not plotting my demise).

A cup of wild sweet orange tea.

A cuddle bug curled up on the couch with you.

Episodes of The Office.

Emerson and Huxley - all in one day.

Pirate pictures on cell phones that talk.

Leftovers from Thanksgiving day.

A quick kiss on the cheek while walking through a store.

An epic battle between the Hiphopopotamus and the Rhymenocerous.

Sleep deprived, slap-happy moments.

Dragon tears/Jelly beans.

Willow tree collectibles.


Panic buttons that don't do much other than scream "PANIC!!!!" when you push it.

Bumping into old friends randomly at the Apple store.

Convincing friends that the bird actually really isn't the word. It's "your mom."

Sore fingers from playing the guitar too much.

Not doing homework for a day - even though that might be a terrible idea. Horrible Sarah Palin moments that make you cry for her and laugh hysterically at the same time. Sweet Moses.

Finding mushy notes from his boot-camp days tucked in a drawer.

More to come later...


Monster Librarian said...

Woot this too! I loved this post! Made me smile after a grexy day!

aahhtalkingmuffins said...

"A sleeping cat at the end of your bed (and no, he's not plotting my demise)."

That's just what the cat wants you to think!

"Dragon tears/Jelly beans."
Might they be from a certain racist (not anymore) dragon?

Monster Librarian said...

Post something new Pam! I miss your fun blogs!