Wednesday, September 10, 2008


It's been officially one week since I've started classes, and I've gone through all of the typical "What the hell?!" stages that one experiences while returning to that little slice of heaven we call Oakland University.

1.) Somewhat excitement about starting a few (if not all) of your classes this semester, especially after reading through the student reports at

2.) Getting to campus near 45 minutes early just to find a parking spot, and still somehow managing to be late for class. Not to mention getting almost hit both inside and outside of your car during this process because a common side effect of stepping onto OU's campus is instant loss of any knowledge on correct and and un-douche bag-like driving.

3.) Pure irritation at the fact that people claim to be all-knowing in regards to literature, politics, music, and art, only for them to fall flat on their faces when confronted with a thought provoking question, leading to a response similar to "Down with Big Brother."

4.) Justin put it best - "I hope they legalize marijuana just so the pot heads have nothing left to talk about."

5.) Let's face it - your shirt that's way too tight for you that has "OMG WTF" printed in bold letters on the front really doesn't say "I'm an intelligent college student - you should consider hiring me." No, that says something more along the lines of "I occasionally color inside the lines of my Barney and Friends coloring book."

...But, I've gotten through it all successfully yet again, and I'm ready to start a new year. :)

1 comment:

Monster Librarian said...

Ah...the things I don't miss around OU. Wait a tick...I am one of those legalize marijuana people. ;)