Sunday, August 24, 2008


*Caution: mushy content (In case you didn't get that according to the title).

I apologize sincerely. I usually don't blog about events like this, but I felt it was necessary...partially because I have to tell somebody about it, and it's about 1 am, so I can't call anyone. So I'll tell my blog.

First, there's a back story to all of this. When Tim and I first met, I was reading this book called Captivating. He asked me what it was about, and I explained that it was a spiritual book written for women that had a lot to do with rediscovering who you are, who you want to be, and what you desire. (Advertisement - I'm not one for spiritual or self-help books, but ladies, this book was GOOD). I told him that the book really touched me in a lot of ways, and it really explained me.

Also, when we got in our first big fight, I kind of used the book to better explain how I was feeling, mostly because when I'm upset and/or stressed, I can't speak my mind clearly to save me life.

So, tonight, Tim and I had a bet on something that happened in Tolkien's Return of the King (Don't you say a word). I didn't want to trust the computer (mostly because it said that he was the winner of the debate), so we were rummaging through his book collection to actually see if he had a copy. In the top half of one of his stacks of books was Captivating. I started laughing and I asked him if was trying to get in touch with his inner woman...and he kind of looked at me and just said that he went and bought it at Barnes and Noble at one point...He wanted to read the book to get to know me better.

He never told me about it...he just bought it, and read parts of it.

...Now. Maybe I'm overreacting. But that is, quite possibly, one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. You can keep all the most expensive and lavish gifts in the world, because nothing, nothing comes even remotely close to that. When I told him I was shocked, he just said "I keep telling you you're worth it. One day you'll believe me."

In conclusion, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for putting Tim in my life.

(Oh, and as another side note, don't ever make a bet with a librarian-to-be about a Tolkien book/movie. Especially if that bet includes a homemade pie. And especially if you already owe that librarian-to-be a homemade pie.)


aahhtalkingmuffins said...

you two are ridiculous, but in that "I'm-glad-that-sentimental=dorky-mushy-gushy-lovey-dovey-stuff-actually-happens-in-this-crazy-fucked-up-cynical-world-because-that-might-just-mean-this-world-isn't-as-bad-as-it-sometimes-seems-to-be" kind of way, you know?

and P.S. I am so happy that you two are so happy together. *sniffle* my little pammy is growing up! *sniffle*

P.P.S. (completely unrelated to any of the above, might I add) "milqqygs"

that would be the "word verification" that I need to type in order to post this comment. Now, If that is a real word, then I'm a woman and I'll give up my driver's license and right to vote, put on an apron and start making dinner. Just kidding, but seriously, I highly doubt its a real word.

aahhtalkingmuffins said...

my bad...that last "its" should have an apostrophe, making it "it's"